Thursday, April 25, 2019

This is America - Childish Gambino

F A M - Frame, Angle, movement.

Mise en scene:
C L A M P S - Costume, Lighting, Actors, Makeup, Props, Setting.

Contrapuntal - opposite to what you're expecting.

  • ls.
  • mls - accentuates 'crazy' facial expressions.
  • track in/track out.
  • rotating.
  • 17 seconds - bad things, representing the death of 17 students.
  • guy with guitar shown at the beginning and the end of the video.
  • shows how casual and easy it is to shoot someone.
  • grotesque smiles/facial expressions.
  • underground car park.
  • shirtless - neutral colours.
  • gospel singers.
  • natural lighting.
  • yellow shoes - only colour? (cars at end are coloured).
  • cars/horses/(gospel cloaks).
  • cars are stolen?
  • Glover looks confident.
  • Glover dances.
  • shocking, violence.
  • intertextuality.
  • juxtaposition - dancing distracts from chaos.
  • Glover represents America not paying attention.
  • equality.
  • Black Lives Matter.

  • he's acknowledging the dehumanising way black people were treated.
  • guns are treated with more respect than black lives.
  • choir is a reference to Charleston, South Carolina massacre.
  • polysemic = multiple meanings.
  • camera pans to kids with phones - white people muzzling police brutality - high angle.
  • horse relates to the bible.
  • dancing!

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