Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Jungle Book Interview


What was the task you were assigned?
Our task was to re-create a an interview of the producer and the marketing manager of the 2016 Jungle Book re-make. We had to incorporate key information and stats about the film to help revise for, for future examinations.
What programme did you use to complete your task? 
To edit our interview we used the editing software that is Abode premiere pro, with this software we used to editing tools to help use the green screen to add various layers and images to the background, also other clips such as the trailer was put into place over our original audio and film.
What tools/effect did you use from your programme to create your task?
We used the ultra key to add images to the original audio, this then replaced the green screen background with images from the film to help entice the audience to watch the film.
What were the biggest obstacles to completing your task?
The most difficult part was probably filming all the characters to look at similar eye lines, as i as the interviewer was speaking on my own in one shot while the producer and marketing manager were based in another shot looking in another direction to the camera. This was done to allow a realistic view of an interview.
Did you complete the task on time?
We completed the task on time, as we utilized our time by effectively planning and spreading the work evenly between the whole group. This allowed the work to be completed to the date required.
How do you think this task will help with your Jungle Book revision?
Personally i believe that this will help me remember and revise in the future, as it is an alternative to tedious book work, therefore this variety has created a memory that has been stored that can be recollected easily. 
What do you think you could have improved in terms of content and presentation?
Personally, I believe that the quality of my work has improved drastically as i am now familiar with various programs and functions within the media world. Therefore, i now work more effectively and efficiently to the deadline and with a group. My presentation has become cleaner due to vaster editing knowledge due to repetition and practice.
What was your initial feedback? What did others say about your production?
Other companions seemed to enjoy and like our work, this then helped me to recollect the effort put in to create a successful interview that was completed to the deadline.
Identify what went well and with hindsight what would you do differently?
I believe that most of our work was done to an acceptable standard, however if i was to create this task again them i would spend more time editing our work to add more effects and cleanliness to our clips so they would run slightly more smoothly without a space between speech.

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