Monday, March 4, 2019

BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show

What was the task you were assigned?
Our task was to create a three-minute radio podcast, with one game, including a presenter, weather/news presenter, and a guest caller.

Who was in your group and what was everyone's role in the task?
My group consisted of Ella, Sofya, Zoe and I. I was the host and we also presented the news and weather. Whilst Ella was a was the weather girl, and Sofya was the news anchor. 

What fresh ideas did you bring to the programme?
We thought about a new game; bleep morning with a twist, which was valentines day themed as the show was on valentines day.
Who did you interview?
We didn't interview anyone particular, but got listeners to text in answers to our questions.

What tracks did you choose and why?
We chose Diamonds by Deno Driz as he is an upcoming British artist, and afterwards played Swervin and Going Bad as they are in the top charts.What was the running order?
Our running order started with the news and weather, after another song was played, next to the announcement of our details for the audience to text into bleep morning after another song played and finally we finished with the bleep morning answers and a song.
Who is your target audience?
Our target audience was the general audience for BBC 1, 15-29-year-olds.

How did you relate to/attract your audience?
The songs we played were related to the audience, as they are young emerging artists with popular genres of music to the younger generations. The game we created also was rather comical therefore we felt as though the younger generation would find it funnier than any other generation.

How does your product fit in with the BBC/PSB remit?
I believe that our product fitted in with the BBC PSB remit as it entertained the audience with original ideas.

What do you think you could have improved in terms of content?
I believe we could have planned the script better and publicized our game better to fit the structure of a standard radio broadcast.

What was your initial feedback? 
We had rather positive feedback, however, the bits missing due to technological fault was noticed therefore next time we could spend more time finalizing the editing of the clips to create a crisp final product.

What did others say about your production?
Other class members seemed to enjoy our podcast, however, they also noticed we missed interviewing a celebrity

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