Sunday, October 21, 2018

Disability Advert - Planning




S- Scenes switch often, however at the beginning, people with mental illnesses are mostly in dark places or in places where it would be easy to suffer from sensory overload, such as the party and on the bus

T- A prominent theme throughout the advert is the struggle to overcome bad situation and the mental illness. Kindness is also a major theme, since people who are allies of those with mental illnesses are portrayed in a very positive light

I- Important icons include the crisp packet and the 'stop button' on the bus since they show that even small, everyday things can cause stress and anxiety in people with a mental disorder

N-  The struggles of people with mental disorders and the solutions, which can be offered to help, such as having someone to rely on

C-  People with mental disorder, allies of those people and the mass (People on the bus/ at the party) 

T- "#We can, we will" is the slogan, which was used, because it is memorable and inclusive, with the repetition of 'we' creating a sense of community and togetherness.

Mise en scene

C- The characters with mental disorders are all wearing dark, dull colours such as black, which often represents mourning and has connotations of depression and sadness. The man at the party has a shirt with the words "believe in yourself" written on it which shows that they too, can have confidence in themselves as long as they have someone else to rely on.

L- All the characters with depression seem to be in places which are not very well lit, such as the woman in bed, the man at the party and the man in the music room. Their faces often have light falling on only half of their face which creates an atmosphere of isolation around them. However by the end, the lighting becomes bright and fully illuminates the people's faces.

A- The actors are of different ethnicity and age to show that people of all types are affected by mental illnesses 

M- No make-up used for effect

P- A good example of a prop is the book the musician has, which transforms by the end into something completely different and shows that through a struggle mental disorders can be slowly overcome

S- The scene is set during different times of the day for different people to show that their disorder affects anything and everything they do, during day and night


M- At the beginning, the music sounds sad, however by the end it becomes inspirational because of the images that are being shown alongside it

C- No contaparallel

D- Diegetic sounds such as the crisp packet, the button on the bus and women laughing are all used to create an overwhelming atmosphere

ONo sounds Off-Screen
V- Voice-over used to narrate the struggles of people with mental disorders as well as offering a solution to dealing with them 

E- Emotive language is used throughout the video to make people sympathise or emphasise with those struggling with a mental disorder  

D- No dialogue can be heard throughout the video, and any speech between characters is silent, leaving the audience to rely on the actor's facial expressions to work out what is being said


S- Each person with a disorder gets somewhat equal screen-time, 

T- Most of the transitions, are smooth, until the woman with anxiety suffers from sensory overload and the transitions become fast, showing her discomfort in the situation

O- There is no way to know what order things are done in, however the jumps from night to day would suggest that this is a random order of narrative as we go through different characters and their conditions

P- The pacing is slow at the beginning, however the woman with anxiety on the bus quickens the pacing
S- No special effects used




S- Set in a typical office environment in the modern day

T- A prominent theme throughout the advert is the struggle of making a decision and normalising speech about the issue of mental illness. 

I- Icons include the shoe which shows the incorrect interpretation of people with mental disorders

N-  A man questioning whether he should ask a colleague how his day was because he heard he has a mental disorder and the video ridicules that fear, making it seem undeserved and absurd. 

C-  Person who was off work with a mental health issue, the colleague who was doubting whether he should speak to him, other people at the office (extras)

T- "It's time to talk. It's time to change" is the slogan, which was used, because it is memorable 

Mise en scene

C- Both men are wearing formal wear which makes them look similar and shows that it is hard to differentiate between people with mental disorders and those without

L- At the beginning of the advert the lighting is white and harsh, however it is dull, making everyone seem pale and sickly. However, at the end, after everything is resolved, the light becomes brighter. 

A- The actors are two men, the main character is portrayed as ridiculous for doubting himself about an insignificant question, his posture is slouched and he looks uncertain

M- No make-up used for effect

P- An important prop is the printer, which is used to show the absurdness of the fear of talking to a person who suffers from a mental illness

S- The artificial lighting in the office makes it impossible to know during which time of the day the scene was shot


S- The two men get equal screen-time, although the main character gets slightly more time so that the audience can find out what he is thinking 

T- The transitions are smooth and fast

O- The shots are in chronological order and real life time would be equal to the video time

P- The pacing is slow throughout the first  part, however it quickens after the question is asked, for comedic effect
S- Making the man seem like he exploded in a burst of white powder




S- Set in a living room of a normal family home

T- A prominent theme throughout the advert is the struggle of loneliness 

I- No icons

N-  A man struggling with a mental disorder (depression), who feels better with his friends and family

C-  man with depression, family members

T- Uses statistics to inform and persuade to become an ally

Mise en scene

C- Normal clothes for a home, creating a warm, family atmosphere

L- At the beginning of the advert the lighting comes through the curtain behind the man, which makes only the silhouette visible, making seem isolated. At the end, when the family is having dinner, the room is well lit and everything can be seen clearly

A- The main actor is a young man, who, statistically, is very likely to suffer from depression and other mental disorders

M- No make-up used for effect

P- Important props include curtains, since at the beginning, they dull the light and create the wanted effect of only being able to see the silhouette

S- The scene was shot during the daytime, although at the beginning it is not clera because the light seems unnatural


S- The man with mental disorder gets as lot of screen time

T- The transitions are smooth and fast

O- The shots are in chronological order and real life time would be equal to the video time

P- The pacing is relatively fast throughout the advert, however at the beginning the end it is quite slow
S- Showing the isolation of the character through special effects

Disability Advert - Evaluation

What was the task you were given and who was your target audience? As the audience wasn't typical of the product how did you manage to sell it? What was the name of your brand? 

My group and I was given a task to construct an advert for a disability charity towards a teenage audience, who struggle with addressing their stress. We decided to focus on the awareness of schizophrenia and display what they see and feel, which allows the viewer to understand the aspects of the disability. At the ending of the advert we applied important facts about schizophrenia, showing how serious this is but also stating the fact that they are not alone and there are people to help, like this Advertising Charity. Additionally, we display our slogan 'address your stress' along side the logo 'Z' (that stands for 'Zoloft', an antidepressant tablet). Subsequently, this further reinforces the help that we would provide and that dressing your stress, allows you to deal with it.  

Who did you work with and how did you divide the research, planning, filming and responsibilities?

For this project I worked with Tom Snow, Grace Polston and Sofya Latepova. Tom was the main character, who impersonated an individual who has schizophrenia. 

  • I edited the advert, filmed and produced the plan.  
  • Sofya completed the analysis; analysing other videos that inspired our advert. 
  • Grace also helped with the plan, create ideas and film/act in some parts. 

How did you plan your sequence? 

We organised a clear and sufficient plan, splitting the sequence in several parts - using a table - highlighting the camera shots, the duration, the process and the special effects. This helped us be organised and prepared as we knew what we was doing step by step. It allowed the group to display our different ideas, to see what worked and what didn't. 

What research did you undertake?

As we was advertising a charity, we had to research information about what other charities achieve, which could influence our video. For example, we noticed that most videos included: subtle and sad music, a slogan, facts and a soothing voice over. Furthermore, after deciding to focus on the aspect of schizophrenia, we watched more videos that focused solely on this disability, which helped a lot as this gave us a clear understanding of what we needed to include and involve in our advert. 

What was you initial feedback? What did others say about your production? How successful was your sequence?

My group and I was really happy with the final edit, due to the advert clearly showing how people with schizophrenia feel. The jolting shots and transitions, the suspicion of sensory overload, the dense and dark appearance, and lastly the dramatic non dietetic sounds imitates what this disability is. Therefore, I believe this project was very successful. 

What have you learnt from completing this task?

From this task i have learnt the importance of planning, communication, creative input and lastly using our initiative. 

  1. Planning allowed us to be extremely organised and confidently happy with the ending result. 
  2. Communication enabled our group to discuss what we liked and disliked and express our ideas. It also helped us to avoid misunderstandings and complete the project in a quicker and more efficient manner. 
  3. Putting forward our creative ideas was difficult as designing a charity for a disability was something we haven't done before. However, just by designing a name, slogan and logo dramatically helped as a starting point. Additionally, after researching our creative input increased. 
  4. Using our initiative allowed us to improve, prevent issues, and more importantly achieve an organised and well thought out project.

Disability Awareness Advert

My Advert

Friday, October 19, 2018

Club Biscuit Advert Recreation

My group and I constructed a remake of the 'Club Biscuit' advert as a practise for editing, using diverse camera shots and learning how to use Premier: 


Who owns the media?

Before 1992, there were 50 main companies, after 1992, this dropped by half, meaning there was 25 companies ion the industry. Fromm 2011, this has dropped to 6 main companies, commonly known as the 'big six'.

Comcast - in 2013 made revenue of 69 billion.
- Biggest cable provider
- Comcast is a cable provider for tv

Walt Disney
- 48 Billion revenue.
- owns,
- Pixar
- Marvel entertainment
- Lucas Films
- A & E

21st Century Fox
- Make Money from advertising
- 32 Billion a year
- Film & TV

Time Warner
- 27 Billion
- 2002 100 Billion due to failed merge

CBS & Via come
- 14-15 Billion a year
- individual companies

Uk media

- 3 companies control 71% of national newspaper circulation
- 5 companies control 81%
- BBC is the counterweight to commercial media, public service broadcaster.

Media Organisations

- Disney
- News Corp
- Nintendo
- Marvel
- The Guardian

This refers to whether the content being presented is either a video, audio, print based or a a combination such as a website or a video game.

This is used to show where the media format is presented.

Media industry is a business, that is competitive and potentially very profitable.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Audience Notes

A - Higher Management
B - Middle Management
C1 - Office supervisors
C2 - Skilled Manual Workers
D - Semi skilled and unskilled managers
E - Unemployed

Aspirers - Seek status
Succeeders - Seek Control
Resigned - Seek Survival
Explorers - Seek discovery
Strugglers - Seeks escape
Reformers - Seeks enlightenment

Newspapers - Group-work Activity

My group and I created a PowerPoint using google slides about Newspapers in today's society.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


word definition
brand identity the image a company constructs for itself through the use of logos, slogans and other marketing tools in order to appeal to an audience.
cross-platform the appearance of a media text on more than one platform; cross-platform or cross-media advertising is used to market a product
like a film on the web, TV and newspapers.
endorsement the act of supporting or backing something; celebrity endorsement is often used in advertising to sell a product.
ethos the purpose, attitude and beliefs of a person or an organisation.
media convergence when audiences use one platform to consume various types of media texts.
media format a media format refers to whether the content is video, audio, print based, or a combination such as a website or video game.
media platform a media platform is where a media text is presented; this can be TV, cinema, computer, games console, digital media player, smartphone, tablet, magazine, or newspaper.
media text any media product such as a TV programme, film, magazine, video game, newspaper, music track or album created for an audience.
niche audience a small, narrow audience interested in a specific topic or theme - the opposite of a mass market audience.
public service broadcasting public service broadcasting is for the benefit of the public and not just for profit or commercial gain; the BBC is a public service broadcaster in the UK.
smartphone a mobile phone with a powerful processor that is capable of running applications and accessing the internet.
tablet a computer device a little smaller than a laptop but with a built-in touchscreen, usually without a keyboard.


Study of Signs
- Message
- Photos
- Videos
- Calendar
- Notes
- Music

use app images that are associated with use, (e.g a calculator uses + -) to help signify the image. Or use an image to directly show the use e.g clock to present the time.

what it is within the image (red cross).

what we understand from this (death, England)


Image result for glee

- relaxed body language showing a comical and happy vibe which will be presented.
- musical, typical school characters/stereotypes. 
- good vs evil.
- various ethnicity.
- various body sizes.
- crossing usual stereotype

Stranger Things:

Related image

  • the background setting seems to be in a abandoned field, consisting of scarecrows. Scarecrows are often associated with horror and sci-fi, potentially creating an eerie effect.
  • the characters clothes seem to be out dated and old fashioned representing the outdated setting, also a gas station sign seems to be reasonable old, potentially outlining the lack of technology.
  • the child at the top of the poster seems to represent evil, whilst the other characters seem to have innocent and scared faces representing the innocence and 'good' characters.
  • props are very significant within the image, a baseball bat is presented with nails in either end suggesting a violent atmosphere/evil trying to harm the innocent. Also a map is present suggesting a mystery type story line creating a potential gripping story line to help absorb viewers.
  • within the poster there is a range of characters, boys, girls and older generations. Along with the colour scheme, red creates an angry/devilish type mood; whereas the blue colour scheme creates a more chilling and sinister theme. With these two combined it creates a reasonably scary visage.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

My Favourite Media

Social media has become a daily habit for almost every single teenager and even some adults, which is why it has to be in my top 3 favourite types of media. 

Personally, Snapchat & Instagram are go to social media platforms as they both allow you to engage with your friends on a new level. Snapchat for instance has become my go messaging app, whether that's just normal texts or picture snaps. Not only that but it allows you to create your own personalised emoji, also known as 'Bitmoji', which is a tiny feature, but funnily enough actually makes the experience of Snapchat a whole lot better.  

As for Instagram, it allows me to create a feed of photos to show to all my followers. I do not personally know all my followers, however Instagram has a feature where you can manage more than one account at the same time. Which is why I have two accounts, one to post more professional looking photos, and one to post funny moments or memes for all my close friends to see. 


Now, when i'm not on Snapchat or Instagram you'll usually find me watching Netflix. Netflix is a streaming application/website which offers thousands of movies and shows to millions of users worldwide. 

When I first got into Netflix, I started watching gang-related movies like Straight Outta Compton, Menace II Society 2 etc. Then I began binge watching series such as Grimm, Teen Wolf, Shameless (US Version obviously) and just recently I finished Season 4 of Gotham which I have to say has been one of the best shows I've seen to date. 


Finally, Spotify is in my top 3 favourite media as I listen to music literally every single day. On the way to school, during school, even when I go to sleep. However, Spotify offers more then just listening to music. It creates daily mixes suited to your taste, notifies you if a artist you listen to is playing at concert nearby and allows you to create and customise your playlists.

My favourite genre of music has to be Rap, with my favourite artists being 6ix9ine, Lil Uzi Vert Travis Scott and Kanye West just to name a few.