Sunday, October 21, 2018

Disability Advert - Planning




S- Scenes switch often, however at the beginning, people with mental illnesses are mostly in dark places or in places where it would be easy to suffer from sensory overload, such as the party and on the bus

T- A prominent theme throughout the advert is the struggle to overcome bad situation and the mental illness. Kindness is also a major theme, since people who are allies of those with mental illnesses are portrayed in a very positive light

I- Important icons include the crisp packet and the 'stop button' on the bus since they show that even small, everyday things can cause stress and anxiety in people with a mental disorder

N-  The struggles of people with mental disorders and the solutions, which can be offered to help, such as having someone to rely on

C-  People with mental disorder, allies of those people and the mass (People on the bus/ at the party) 

T- "#We can, we will" is the slogan, which was used, because it is memorable and inclusive, with the repetition of 'we' creating a sense of community and togetherness.

Mise en scene

C- The characters with mental disorders are all wearing dark, dull colours such as black, which often represents mourning and has connotations of depression and sadness. The man at the party has a shirt with the words "believe in yourself" written on it which shows that they too, can have confidence in themselves as long as they have someone else to rely on.

L- All the characters with depression seem to be in places which are not very well lit, such as the woman in bed, the man at the party and the man in the music room. Their faces often have light falling on only half of their face which creates an atmosphere of isolation around them. However by the end, the lighting becomes bright and fully illuminates the people's faces.

A- The actors are of different ethnicity and age to show that people of all types are affected by mental illnesses 

M- No make-up used for effect

P- A good example of a prop is the book the musician has, which transforms by the end into something completely different and shows that through a struggle mental disorders can be slowly overcome

S- The scene is set during different times of the day for different people to show that their disorder affects anything and everything they do, during day and night


M- At the beginning, the music sounds sad, however by the end it becomes inspirational because of the images that are being shown alongside it

C- No contaparallel

D- Diegetic sounds such as the crisp packet, the button on the bus and women laughing are all used to create an overwhelming atmosphere

ONo sounds Off-Screen
V- Voice-over used to narrate the struggles of people with mental disorders as well as offering a solution to dealing with them 

E- Emotive language is used throughout the video to make people sympathise or emphasise with those struggling with a mental disorder  

D- No dialogue can be heard throughout the video, and any speech between characters is silent, leaving the audience to rely on the actor's facial expressions to work out what is being said


S- Each person with a disorder gets somewhat equal screen-time, 

T- Most of the transitions, are smooth, until the woman with anxiety suffers from sensory overload and the transitions become fast, showing her discomfort in the situation

O- There is no way to know what order things are done in, however the jumps from night to day would suggest that this is a random order of narrative as we go through different characters and their conditions

P- The pacing is slow at the beginning, however the woman with anxiety on the bus quickens the pacing
S- No special effects used




S- Set in a typical office environment in the modern day

T- A prominent theme throughout the advert is the struggle of making a decision and normalising speech about the issue of mental illness. 

I- Icons include the shoe which shows the incorrect interpretation of people with mental disorders

N-  A man questioning whether he should ask a colleague how his day was because he heard he has a mental disorder and the video ridicules that fear, making it seem undeserved and absurd. 

C-  Person who was off work with a mental health issue, the colleague who was doubting whether he should speak to him, other people at the office (extras)

T- "It's time to talk. It's time to change" is the slogan, which was used, because it is memorable 

Mise en scene

C- Both men are wearing formal wear which makes them look similar and shows that it is hard to differentiate between people with mental disorders and those without

L- At the beginning of the advert the lighting is white and harsh, however it is dull, making everyone seem pale and sickly. However, at the end, after everything is resolved, the light becomes brighter. 

A- The actors are two men, the main character is portrayed as ridiculous for doubting himself about an insignificant question, his posture is slouched and he looks uncertain

M- No make-up used for effect

P- An important prop is the printer, which is used to show the absurdness of the fear of talking to a person who suffers from a mental illness

S- The artificial lighting in the office makes it impossible to know during which time of the day the scene was shot


S- The two men get equal screen-time, although the main character gets slightly more time so that the audience can find out what he is thinking 

T- The transitions are smooth and fast

O- The shots are in chronological order and real life time would be equal to the video time

P- The pacing is slow throughout the first  part, however it quickens after the question is asked, for comedic effect
S- Making the man seem like he exploded in a burst of white powder




S- Set in a living room of a normal family home

T- A prominent theme throughout the advert is the struggle of loneliness 

I- No icons

N-  A man struggling with a mental disorder (depression), who feels better with his friends and family

C-  man with depression, family members

T- Uses statistics to inform and persuade to become an ally

Mise en scene

C- Normal clothes for a home, creating a warm, family atmosphere

L- At the beginning of the advert the lighting comes through the curtain behind the man, which makes only the silhouette visible, making seem isolated. At the end, when the family is having dinner, the room is well lit and everything can be seen clearly

A- The main actor is a young man, who, statistically, is very likely to suffer from depression and other mental disorders

M- No make-up used for effect

P- Important props include curtains, since at the beginning, they dull the light and create the wanted effect of only being able to see the silhouette

S- The scene was shot during the daytime, although at the beginning it is not clera because the light seems unnatural


S- The man with mental disorder gets as lot of screen time

T- The transitions are smooth and fast

O- The shots are in chronological order and real life time would be equal to the video time

P- The pacing is relatively fast throughout the advert, however at the beginning the end it is quite slow
S- Showing the isolation of the character through special effects

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